Development of a Vegetation Fluorescence Canopy Model

The FluorMOD project undertook to develop an integrated leaf-canopy model to simulate solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in vegetation. Two new models were developed following a review and adaptation of existing relevant models: FluorSAIL for the canopy, and FluorMODleaf for leaf-level fluorescence. These models are linked by FluorMODgui, a graphic user interface which permits the leaf and canopy models to be run either individually or as an integrated unit. Outputs available in the 400-1000 nm spectral range are the apparent leaf spectral reflectance and transmittance, and the canopy apparent reflectance, with and without fluorescence effects. The integrated model has undergone initial testing and validation which indicates that it is able to reproduce the shape of fluorescence emission in the red and far-red spectral regions. The beta version of the model is now available for further validation by the scientific community. 

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