Articles by page:
A field study on solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and pigment parameters along a vertical canopy gradient of four tree species in an urban environment
Van Wittenberghe, S.; Alonso, L.; Verrelst, J.; Hermans, I.; Veroustraete, F.; Valkce, R.; Moreno, J.; Samson, R.
A method for the atmospheric correction of ENVISAT/MERIS data over land targets
L. Guanter, M. C. González, J. Moreno
A method for the surface reflectance retrieval from PROBA/CHRIS data over land: application to ESA SPARC campaigns
L. Guanter, L. Alonso, J. Moreno
A multi-instrument approach for characterizing the atmospheric aerosol optical thickness during the STAARTE/DAISEX-99 campaign
Martinez-Lozano, J.A., Pedros, R., Flamant, C., Utrillas,M.P., Tena,F., Moreno,J., Pelon, J. y Cisneros,J.M.
A New Algorithm for the Retrieval of Sun Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Water Bodies Exploiting the Detailed Spectral Shape of Water-Leaving Radiance
Tenjo, C.; Ruiz-Verdú, A.; Van Wittenberghe, S.; Delegido, J.; Moreno, J. A New Algorithm for the Retrieval of Sun Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Water Bodies Exploiting the Detailed Spectral Shape of Water-Leaving Radiance
A red-edge spectral index for remote sensing estimation of green LAI over agroecosystems
J. Delegido, J. Verrelst, C.M. Meza, J.P. Rivera, L. Alonso, J. Moreno
Active learning methods for efficient hybrid biophysical variable retrieval
Verrelst J., Dethier, S., Rivera, J.P., Munoz-Mari, J., Camps-Valls, G., Moreno, J.
An Emulator Toolbox to Approximate Radiative Transfer Models with Statistical Learning
Verrelst, J.; Rivera, J.P.; Veroustraete, F.; Muñoz-Marí, J.; Clevers, J.G.P.W.; Camps-Valls, G.; Moreno, J.
An Overview of the Regional Experiments for Land-Atmosphere Exchanges 2012 (Reflex 2012) Campaign.
Timmermans, W.J.a , Tol, C.V.D.a, Timmermans, J.a, Ucer, M.a, Chen, X.a, Alonso, L.b, Moreno, J.b, Carrara, A.c, Lopez, R.c, Cruz Tercero, F.D.L.d, Corcoles, H.L.d, Miguel, E.D.e, Sanchez, J.A.G.e, Pérez, I.e, Franch, B.f, Munoz, J.-C.J.f, Skokovic, D.f, Sobrino, J.f, Soria, G.f, MacArthur, A.g, Vescovo, L.h, Reusen, I.i, Andreu, A.j, Burkart, A.k, Cilia, C.l, Contreras, S.m, Corbari, C.l, Calleja, J.F.n, Guzinski, R.o, Hellmann, C.p, Herrmann, I.q, Kerr, G.r, Lazar, A.-L.s, Leutner, B.t, Mendiguren, G.m, Nasilowska, S.u, Nieto, H.o, Pachego-Labrador, J.m, Pulanekar, S.v, Raj, R.a, Schikling, A.k, Siegmann, B.w, Bueren, S.V.x, Su, Z.a
Assessment of Approximations in Aerosol Optical Properties and Vertical Distribution into FLEX Atmospherically-Corrected Surface Reflectance and Retrieved Sun-Induced Fluorescence
Jorge Vicent, Neus Sabater, Jochem Verrelst, Luis Alonso and Jose Moreno
Atmospheric correction of ENVISAT/MERIS data over inland waters: Validation for European lakes
L. Guanter, A. Ruiz-Verdu, D. Odermatt, C. Giardino, S. Simis, V. Estelles, T. Heege, J.A. Dominguez, J. Moreno
Atmospheric correction of ENVISAT/MERIS data over inland waters: Validation for European lakes.
L. Guanter, A. Ruiz-Verdu, D. Odermatt, C. Giardino, S. Simis, V. Estelles, T. Heege, J.A. Dominguez, J. Moreno.
Bidirectional sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence emission is influenced by leaf structure and light scattering properties # A bottom-up approach
Van Wittenberghe, S.; Alonso, L.; Verrelst, J.; Moreno, J.; Samson, R.
Brown and green LAI mapping through spectral indices
Jesús Delegido, Jochem Verrelst, Juan P. Rivera, Antonio Ruiz-Verdú, José Moreno
CEFLES2: the remote sensing component to quantify photosynthetic efficiency from the leaf to the region by measuring sun-induced fluorescence in the oxygen absorption bands.
U. Rascher, G. Agati, L. Alonso, G. Cecchi, S. Champagne, R. Colombo, A. Damm, F. Daumard, E. de Miguel, G. Fernandez, B. Franch, J. Franke, C. Gerbig, B. Gioli, J. A. Gomez, Y. Goulas, L. Guanter,O. Gutierrez-de-la-Camara, K. Hamdi, P. Hostert, M. Jimenez, M. Kosvancova, D. Lognoli, M. Meroni, F. Miglietta, A. Moersch, J. Moreno, I. Moya, B. Neininger, A. Okujeni, A. Ounis, L. Palombi, V. Raimondi, A. Schickling, J. A. Sobrino, M. Stellmes, G. Toci, P. Toscano, T. Udelhoven, S. van der Linden, and A. Zaldei.
Challenges in the atmospheric characterization for the retrieval of spectrally resolved fluorescence and PRI region dynamics from space
Neus Sabater, Pekka Kolmonen, Shari Van Wittenberghe, Antti Arola, José Moreno
Chlorophyll content mapping of urban vegetation in the city ofValencia based on the hyperspectral NAOC index
Jesús Delegido, Shari Van Wittenberghe, Jochem Verrelst, Violeta Ortiz,Frank Veroustraete, Roland Valckec, Roeland Samson, Juan P. Rivera, Carolina Tenjo, José Moreno
Clasificación de usos del suelo a partir de imágenes Sentinel-2
Borràs, J.; Delegido, J.; Pezzola, A.; Pereira, M.; Morassi, G.; Camps-Valls, G.
Cloud-screening algorithm for ENVISAT/MERIS multispectral images
L. Gómez-Chova, G. Camps-Valls, J. Calpe-Maravilla, L. Guanter, and J. Moreno
Combined dynamics of the 500–600 nm leaf absorption and chlorophyll fluorescence changes in vivo: Evidence for the multifunctional energy quenching role of xanthophylls
Shari Van Wittenberghe, Valero Laparra, José Ignacio García-Plazaola, Beatriz Fernández-Marín, Albert Porcar-Castell, José Moreno
Comparison between fractional vegetation cover retrievals from vegetation indices and spectral mixture analysis: case study of PROBA/CHRIS Data over an agricultural area
J. C. Jimenez-Munoz, J. A. Sobrino, A. Plaza, L. Guanter, J.Moreno and P. Martınez
Correction of systematic spatial noise in push-broom hyperspectral sensors: application to CHRIS/PROBA images
Luis Gómez-Chova, Luis Alonso, Luis Guanter, Gustavo Camps-Valls, Javier Calpe, and José Moreno
Coupled retrieval of aerosol optical thickness, columnar water vapor and surface reflectance maps from ENVISAT/MERIS data over land
Luis Guanter, Luis Gómez-Chova, Jose Moreno
Desarrollo de productos avanzados para la misión SEOSAT/Ingenio
Sabater, N.; Ruiz-Verdú, A.; Delegido, J.; Fernández-Beltrán, R.; Latorre-Carmona, P.; Pla, F.; González-Audícana, M.; Álvarez-Mozos, J.; Sola, I.; Villa, G.; Tejeiro, J.A,; De Miguel, E.; Jimenez, M.; Molina, S.; Moreno, J.
Design of a generic 3-D scene generator for passive optical missions and its implementation for the ESA's FLEX/Sentinel-3 tandem mission
Tenjo, Carolina; Rivera-Caicedo, Juan Pablo; Sabater, Neus; Servera, Jorge Vicent; Alonso, Luis; Verrelst, Jochem and Moreno, Jose
Developments for vegetation fluorescence retrieval from spaceborne high-resolution spectrometry in the O2-A and O2-B absorption bands
L. Guanter, L. Alonso, L. Gómez-Chova, M. Meroni, R. Preusker, J. Fischer and J. Moreno
Diurnal Cycle Relationships between Passive Fluorescence, PRI and NPQ of Vegetation in a Controlled Stress Experiment
Alonso, L.; Van Wittenberghe, S.; Amorós-López, J.; Vila-Francés, J.; Gómez-Chova, L.; Moreno, J.
Emulation of Leaf, Canopy and Atmosphere Radiative Transfer Models for Fast Global Sensitivity Analysis
Jochem Verrelst , Neus Sabater , Juan Pablo Rivera , Jordi Muñoz-Marí , Jorge Vicent , Gustau Camps-Valls and José Moreno
ESA's sentinel missions in support of Earth system science.
Michael Berger, Jose Moreno, Johnny A. Johannessen, Pieternel F. Levelt, Ramon F. Hanssen,
Estimación del grado de severidad de incendios en el sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, usando Sentinel-2 y su comparación con Landsat-8
Delegido, J.; Pezzola, A.; Casella, A.; Winschel, C.; Urrego, E.P.; Jimenez, J.C.; Sobrino, J.A.; Soria, G; Moreno, J.

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