The Ever Growing Use of Copernicus across Europe’s Regions
A SENSAGRI proof of concept service, the added value crop map, focusing on the region of Castile and Leon (Spain) has been included as one of the 99 stories in the publication "The Ever Growing Uses of Copernicus Across Europe's Regions" which was launched on Thursday 22nd of November at the European Parliament. It provides an overview of this advanced crop map developed to support regional authorities in agriculture monitoring. Click here to downwload the electronic publication version.
Sentinel-1 & Sentinel-2 for soil moisture retrieval at field scale. F. Mattia, A. Balenzano, G. Satalino, F.P. Lovergine, J. Peng, U. Wegmuller, O. Cartus, M.W.J. Davidson, S. Kim, J. Johnson, J. Walker, X. Wu, V.R.N. Pauwels, H. McNairn, T. Caldwell, M. Cosh and T. Jackson.
Sentinel-1 & Sentinel-2 data for soil tillage change detection. G. Satalino, F. Mattia, A. Balenzano, F.P. Lovergine, M. Rinaldi, A. P. De Santis, S. Ruggieri, D. A. Nafría García, V. Paredes Gómez, E. Ceschia, M. Planells, T. Le Toan, A. Ruiz and J.F. Moreno.
The SENSAGRI Sentinel-2 LAI Green and Brown product: from algorithm development towards operational mapping. E. Amin, J. Verrelst, J.P. Rivera-Caicedo, N. Pasqualotto, J. Delegido, J. Ruiz-Verdú, J. Moreno.
Accuracy assessment of a 122 classes land cover map based on Sentinel-2, Landsat 8 and Deimos-1 images and ancillary data. V. Paredes Gómez, V. Del Blanco Medina, J.L. Bengoa, D.A. Nafría García.